
Showing posts from June, 2020

Mother Nature's Intricate Balance

Modern-day life has removed us from the simultaneous complexitiy and simplicity of nature. When I check on the garden early in the morning, the first thing to meet my senses is the sound of birds. They hop around the yard, looking for insects and seeds to eat. I see the bees buzzing around the butterfly bushes, and the dew-laden spiderwebs reaching from plant to plant. I consider the way species interact and contribute to their environment.  The earthworms and insects aerate and fertilize the soil as they dig through life, consuming leftover plant matter and other organisms. Fallen leaves and rotting wood from the trees act as shelter for small beings, and break down into nutrients to enrich the soil. They help conserve moisture, and protect the soil from erosion. The trees themselves help to bind the soil, bring water up unto the soil from deep below, provide shade and shelter, as well as ensure proper weather for the climate in which they live. Their respiration provides a coo